Brussels and surroundings
How can you create an event around Christmas in your company?
Here is an idea for a fun, convivial company event that we have organised several times in the past:
A company sends an email to its employees offering them the opportunity to buy a Christmas tree at a discount price. They have the choice between two kinds of trees (Nordman and Spruce) and three heights (between 1,50 and 3 m)
This company makes the same offer to its main clients.
Once the order is ready they contact us and ask us for special prices and conditions.
We deliver them one afternoon right before Christmas. Mon Beau Sapin bring a party tent, tables and music, and employees enjoy a small party as they pick up their trees.
Christmas trees are loaded into the cars by us.
This formula remains very popular! Interested? Contact us in advance so as to have time to organize everything!
See our pictures of this event!
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“Nous avons proposé à nos employés d’acheter leur sapin à leur travail. Ce fut l’occasion d’un beau moment entre équipe. Le temps d’un vin chaud et des souhaits de fin d’année…”
Mae E. 1060 Bruxelles
“Voilà 5 ans que nous offrons à nos employés leur sapin de Noël. L’enthousiasme et la bonne humeur sont toujours au rendez-vous”